Dennis Swanberg, Eva Self, Del Tackett, Priscilla Shirer, Yvette Maher, Janet Parshall, Lisa Harper, Kim Hill
Conference Directors: Kathy DeMatte and Greg Sands
Producer: Dennis Keitzman for Strait Gate Productions
Production Assistants: Karen Keitzman, Rebekah Hubbel, Michael Todd
Production Manager: Chris Ferrari
Lighting Designer & Director / WholeHog & Catalyst programmer: C. Andrew Dunning for Landru Design
Lighting Vendor: DeLux Productions (Scott DeVos) in conjunction with Theatrical Lighting Systems (John Messina)
TLS Lighting Technicians: Chris Lighthall, Brian Palmer, Jeremy Cowan, Seth Alley
Scenic Design: C. Andrew Dunning and Gary Musick
Scenic Vendor: Gary Musick Productions (Gary Musick)
Scenic Construction and Art Direction: Mark Ross, Wes McBride, Carmelo Roman, Chris Lyle, Jim Sheridan
Video Vendor: DoveCom (Ken Gay)
Video Designer: Ken Gay
DoveComm Staff: Shane Waldsmith, J. Curtis, Trahn Cook, Mike D. Smith, Jed Benoit
Audio Vendor: Spectrum Sound (Ken Porter)
Venue: Gaylord Entertainment Center (Mark Arancibia)
Stagehand Labor: Crew One