Radio Broadcasters
CRS 2006 New Faces Dinner
Jeff Bates, Keith Anderson, Hot Apple Pie, Jason Aldean, Little Big Town
Executive Producer: Scott DeVos for DeLux Productions
Assistant Producer: Julie DeVos
Stage/Production Manager: Mike Jones
Show Director: John Newsom
Talent Liaison: Mike Calloway
Lighting Designer and Programmer: C. Andrew Dunning for Landru Design
Lighting Contractor: Theatrical Lighting Systems (John Messina) in cooperation with DeLux Productions (Scott DeVos)
Lighting Crew: Jeremy Cowan, Robert Osborn
Video Contractor: I-Mag (Scott Bishop)
Audio Contractor: CTS Audio
Staging and Rolling Risers: Levitation Staging
Venue: Nashville Convention Center (Terry Tannery, Mike Dyce)
Stagehand Labor: Crew One
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